
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

アセス年内提出で議会軟化 普天間移設めぐり米高官

アセス年内提出で議会軟化 普天間移設めぐり米高官アセス年内提出で議会軟化 普天間移設めぐり米高官【ワシントン共同=原口剛】米国防総省のシファー副次官補は13日午後(日本時間14日午前)、自民党の石原伸晃幹事長と会談し、米軍普天間飛行場移設に向けた環境影響 ...アセス年内提出で議会軟化 普天間移設めぐり米高官

Microsoft co-founder Allen launches space project

Microsoft co-founder Allen launches space projectMicrosoft co-founder Allen launches space projectSEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) co-founder Paul Allen is planning to build a spaceship that could replace the Space Shuttle this decade. ...Microsoft co-founder Allen launches space project

Joyi gets title reprieve

Joyi gets title reprieveNkosinathi Joyi, rated by many as the best pound-for-pound boxer in South Africa and No 1 in the world in his division by Ring Magazine, ...Joyi gets title reprieve

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